The Gundam Vidar is the personal Mobile Suit of the disguised Gaelio Bauduin while working with Gjallarhorn’s Arianrhod Fleet. Gundam Vidar is the disguised version of Gundam Kimaris, featuring all-new weapons, a new color scheme, and even a third Ahab Reactor to conceal its true identity. Gundam Vidar’s new equipment puts a heavy emphasis on agility and high maneuverability. Gjallarhorn went as far as installing a state-of-the-art Alaya-Vijnana Type E System to grant Gaelio superhuman abilities under the right circumstances. When activated, the Alaya-Vijnana Type E gives Gundam Vidar’s sensors an intense pink hue, similar to Barbatos’s appearance with the limiters disabled. Despite only appearing in a ten-episode stint in the anime’s second season, Gundam Vidar quickly became a fan-favorite design from the Post-Disaster Timeline.