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Futaba 3PV 3-Channel Telemetry Radio System with the 4-Channel R304SB T-FHSS Telemetry Receiver.
3PV R304SB 3PV w/R304SB RX Telemetry TFHSS by Futaba.FEATURES:
- FHSS/S-FHSS/T-FHSS protocols
- Large, easy to read programming screen
- Four wheel steering and brake mixing
- Model data copy
- Anti-lock brake system (ABS) function
- R304SB telemetry receiver
- Link Mode
- DT3 selection
- SW1
- Throttle fail safe
- Steering and throttle trim
- Channel 4 trim
- Sub trim
- Steering dual rate adjustment
- Steering and throttle end point adjustment
- Channel 3 and 4 end point adjustment, and servo reversing
- Steering and throttle exponential
- Auto power off after ten minutes