The Dragon wheel includes an incredible, four, off-set 12mm wheel adapters. 11mm width for a stock Clod Buster or retro type Monster Truck width, 18mm for increased stability on vehicles such as the Stampede, Stampede 4x4, Rustler, Slash 4x4. The 25mm adapter works well for monster truck racing and the Axial SMT10 and a newly designed 32mm for maximum ground pounding width. The adapters are installed with 6 x 2.5 x 12mm screws and centers precisely on the wheel for positive engagement
The wheels include pre-cut polycarbonate discs which attach with 6 x 2 x 4mm screws and can be painted to match any scheme or mud runner. The wheel discs add a scale look and utilize a clever design not seen in this segment of RC. Also included is a pair of steel, serrated, 4mm thin pattern lock-nuts for greater security. The Dragon wheels are available in black and feature a slight matte finish but with the addition of the polycarbonate disc, can easily be detailed to be outrageous