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1/3 18" Radius SnapTrack (4) Code 83 HO Scale

Four1/3 18" RadiusHO Code 83 Snap-Track


Code 83 track can be used with Code 100 by using Atlas' transition joiners. The code of a piece of track is the height of the rail in thousandths of an inch. Code 83 rail is more to scale than Code 100. Brown railroad ties with nickel silver rails. Track sections snap together. Accurately molded to detail. Creates 1/3 of an 18" radius.


(4) HO Scale Code 83 1/3 18" Radius Track 8 rail joiners are included.


Takes 36 pieces to make a full circle.


BOX DIMENSIONS: 3.00" W. X .63" H. X 6.00" L. BOX WEIGHT: .06 LBS.