This is the British Heavy Tank Mk.V Male (1/35th Scale) from MENG.
The British Mark V tank was an upgraded version of the Mark IV tank, deployed in 1918 and used in action in the closing months of World War I, in the Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War on the White Russian side, and by the Red Army.
Kit features a highly detailed exterior with rivets, full interior including driver's station, commander cab open/closed, drivers cab roof armor and front armor open/closed, optional trench crossing device, brass chain, optional hatches, detailed engine/clutch/transmission assembly, full weapons stations plus other interior details such an ammo storage racks, machine guns, 2-piece gun barrel, pistol port open/closed, sponsons open/closed, fuel tank, detailed suspension with individual track links and photo-etch parts.
Decals and color painting guide for (3) tanks: 9th Battalion, Tank Corps, British Army, France, 1918; Tank Museum, Bovington, UK and Tank 'Devil' 4th Battalion, Royal Tank Corps, British Army, Bovington Camp, 1925 - includes 36 page color instruction booklet.